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What Is Kung Fu San Soo?

As the story goes, Buddhist Monk, Chin Moon Don, left the Kwan Yin Monastery in Canton Province, approximately 175 years ago.

He returned to his family with a set of Sacred Kung Fu Manuscripts dating back to the 1500’s, known as – (Tsoi-Li-Hoi-Fut-Hung Ga). This powerful art was passed down from generation to generation. Using the art, the Chin Family became powerful overlords and land owners in their rural province. Chin Moon Don’s great-great-grandson, Chin Siu Dek was considered a formidable fighter, where most confrontations ended in crippling or death. In fact, it was his reputation as a fighter that finally forced his family to send to America in the early half of the 20th Century.

In 1931, Jimmy H. Woo became the first man to bring Kung Fu San Soo to the west. He taught in Los Angeles’ Chinatown and became quite renown. In 1958, Grandmaster Woo opened a school in El Monte, California. Since then until his death in 1991, Grand master Woo taught thousands, the Kung Fu that many consider to be the purest and most brutally effective fighting style surviving today. San Soo, is based on five Categories or Families of techniques: Punches and Kicks (Tsoi Ga); Leverages, Throws and Balance (Li Ga); Pressure Point Fighting (Hoi Ga) – Aka *Famous Shaolin Death Touch*; The Power of Mind over the Body (Fut Ga); and Physical Power needed to fight and remain healthy (Hung Ga).

Kung Fu San Soo is not a sport or a game, but an Ancient Warriors discipline based on Punches, Kicks, Take Downs, and Deadly Nerve Strikes directed towards the Body’s Vital Points that are executed in perfect rhythm. These techniques can be changed instantly to suit the situation and do not follow any preset patterns. Teaching students the effective use of Physics, Body Dynamics, and Common Sense; San Soo trains the mind to use the body to generate maximum power from minimum effort, while instantly adapting to any situation. Though its application may seem Magical, Kung Fu San Soo is a Savagely Effective Fighting Art, free of any mystic psycho babble.

Principles of Leverage, Momentum and Timing coupled with controlled breathing and concentration give San Soo Fighters Extreme Power. In addition to Agility, Balance, and Confidence in one’s self; San Soo strives to develop a strong respect for all living beings. As Grandmaster Woo said, “Best defense is to run if I Can. I don’t want to kill unless I have No Choice. Life is the most important thing on the planet.”

You Can Take My Life, But Not My Confidence!! – Grandmaster Jimmy H. Woo